Atle by Njord Medtech

My role and responsibilities

During the project I was evaluation manager in which I had to create different ways of testing the prototype. I also had to get contact with medical staff and decision makers who could participate in the users testing. I structured the interviews by creating goals on what we needed to know as well among the people who performed the interviews. I also analyzed the results through thematization. In addition to this I also performed user tests and participated in the concept creation in Figma.


Mars 2021 - April 2021


We were four people involved in this. Me one team leader, one programmer and one visual designer.

Design challenge

A lacking understanding for potential customers of Atles true value

The client explained that when they demonstrated Atle there was a lacking understanding of its true benefits. This led to potential customers did not achieve enough information in order for to invest in Atle. Therefore the client needed a visual way that would easily explain Atle´s value in hospital settings.

Well what is Atle?

Atle is a tool medical staff can use to easier move patients between hospital beds. This saves the number of nurses needed to move patients as well as the nurses backs don't wear out either.


During this project 5 people, three investors from hospitals and two nurses, were interviewed. They were shown the website regarding Atle and asked upon what the thought about it. They were also asked upon about the investment process of new hospital equipment.


After showing Atle the medical staff and investors asked a couple of questions. These were also questions that the hospital investors always needed to know. We came to the conclusion that the website needed to point out these three questions.

Scenario to Storyboard

A scenario was created based on the collected data. The scenario describes our interpretation of the process, from how a nurse gets back pain to when a procurement takes place with Atle. The scenario was drawn up in text and then converted to a storyboard.

The scenario together with our storyboard helps us identify which touchpoints we could influence. These touch points were partly when the product is discovered and information clearly needs to be conveyed in order to lead to someone actually booking a demo presentation. Followed by when the product is in place and we want to address the fact that the product does not stay standing by seeing how instructions of the product are provided.

Some parts from the storyboard.

Swot analysis

After the interviews a SWOT analysis was created. The reason was to map out what more we could implement on the website to further inform Atles usages.

Prototyping and iterations

Afterwards we sketched out different concepts of how to approach the questions that occur for an investor. The idea was to enlighten potential investors in a easy visual way. The basic concept of the prototype was that a pdf would be produced based on values from each hospital. The pdf would be printed after a calculation had been made on how many resources the hospital saves. Not just in the time that medical staff saves by using Atle but also how many work injuries that are avoided.

Before evaluating the prototype four criteria were made that we wanted the user to understand at the end of the usability test. We iterated the the concept until these criteria were met.

We created a concept of investors to calculate how much Atle would benefit their hospital based on circumstances the hospital had (how many nurses, patients, hospital beds etc.). To go to that function the visitor would need to click "Find out more" though through usability testing a came clear that the users pressed the button but not knowing what it did. Hence short description was added to

Changing the contrast color because of visibility.

Final concept

Our final concept focused on enhancing the product page of Atle. The direction was to inform its value by simplicity and clearness. Its need to be easy to understand its value, the visitor should understand the problem that Atle aims to solve. It also needs to create credibility since Njord Medtech are new in the market, therefore we further highlighted a nurse that initially came up with the idea of the product. Why it was important to implement curiousness was because since hospital investors receive many suggestions of new equipment to invest in Atle needs to stand out.

View the concept here

What I´ll do next time

©2024 James Holmgren